Bomb Threat at PSU

On Monday afternoon, towards the end of Art History 206, a security officer opened the door to the small auditorium classroom and announced that there was a bomb threat in Neuberger Hall and the building was being evacuated. We all left immediately. Some moving faster towards the exit than usual.

According to the Portland State University student newspaper, The Vangaurd, "A professor found the threat, a note in the men's bathroom that read, 'There will be a detonation in Neuberger Hall at 4:30 p.m.'"

The building didn't explode.

The next day my friend Dan, who served a year in Iraq, told me about his friend, a member of the Israeli Defense Force, who was walking out of the building with an Arabic friend as it was being evacuated. Once outside the Arab saw a group of his Arab friends standing around. He started laughing and telling them, "You better get out of here. You all might get arrested."

Dan thought it was cool that an Israeli and Arab were friends.


  1. Jennifer Fields said...

    wow. i'm so glad no one got hurt. even though it may seem like just a prank to whoever planted the note - it's not funny.

    i was evacuted from a building for a bomb threat in 2002 - so i know how it feels.

    it's been so many years since the attack on 9/11 but we will always remember who did it and why - it does seem like it was just yesterday though. and whether we like it or not, the suspicion of who would perform an act of terroism is likely to always fall on innocent people who fit the "profile" of those 911 attackers.

    it is nice that those two can be friends here on neutral ground.

    but they are so far seperated from the reality of what is happening in "their" country assuming they were born there, (and you have to consider that they may not have strong political or religious beliefs that support their country) so i suppose it's easier here in the usa to be friends than it would be there - not that i am dismissing the HOPE their friendship represents - it is very cool ;)

    in my heart i want to believe that enemies can still be "friends with a difference of opinion" if that makes any sense...